The relationship between my belief system and the psychological theorizing I advocate may have an impact on my practice as a psychologist and educator. In this sense, considering and reflecting on such issues can generate a desirable clarification for a better professional and identity approach. Thus, the present work aimed to report the author's experience in the cognitive exercise of integrating her religious, clinical and theoretical orientations. This is an experience report, which seeks to consider assumptions of three contexts (academic, professional, religious) present in everyday life, as well as to reflect on its possible implications for the individual and collective “self”. Among the main considerations, it can be highlighted that, although I cannot entirely agree with some religious beliefs defended by certain people, I learned that I must respect them and at the same time recognize that the practice of their faith will bring them benefits. Likewise, this study made me reflect on the importance of the mediating role of parents, educators and others related to the environment in which the child lives. The weight of positive influence can be decisive to complement a positive genetic heritage or even reverse the damage caused by unfavorable genetics.
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