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Tavares de Aguiar, A. (2022). MORDOMIA E MISSÃO: UMA VISÃO CRISTOCÊNTRICA. PRÁXIS TEOLÓGICA, 18(1), e1557. (Original work published September 26, 2022)


This paper aims at presenting the inseparable nature between stewardship and mission, two themes that pervade both the Old and the New Testaments. Starting from Genesis 1:26-28 and going through other passages in the Pentateuch and the Prophets alluding to Genesis 1:26-28, the paper seeks to show that the Adamic commission is renewed for other characters — including Israel, whose mission is portrayed along the lines of Genesis 1:26-28 —, culminating with the calling of a new Israel. In the New Testament, Jesus is presented as the ultimate Adam thereby unifying in himself the function of the perfect steward-missionary as well as fulfilling the task that Adam and Israel failed to accomplish. He is the personification of the perfect Israel. As such, he summons the Christian church, the spiritual Israel, to fulfill the Great Commission, which presents echoes from the Adamic commission.
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