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Julgamento divino
Torre de Babel

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DA SILVA DE SOUZA, F.; MAGALHÃES MARTINS, H. A GRAÇA DIVINA NO EPISÓDIO DA TORRE DE BABEL. PRÁXIS TEOLÓGICA, [S. l.], v. 18, n. 1, p. e1553, 2022. DOI: 10.25194/2317-0573.2022v18n1.e1553. Disponível em: https://adventista.emnuvens.com.br/praxis/article/view/1553. Acesso em: 7 mar. 2025.


Many people see in the Old Testament a tyrannical God and an arbitrary Judge. They understand divine actions as devoid of grace and goodness, and are often cruel and punitive. The story of Babel, when misinterpreted, can support this idea. Gen 11:1 – 9 raises many questions such as: what led the people to build? God acted to punish or save the babelites? Why is the tetragram used in the story of Babel? Is there any grace in this account? To answer this question we will use the Bible, through the text of Genesis in its final form, more specifically Gen 11:1 – 9 and its parallels with Gen 6, through an exegetical analysis of the text and a bibliographic review. This article will try to clarify how divine grace manifests itself in Babel and to show that God's love is given to all regardless of their situations. So we will come to the conclusion that God has always been the same and does not change. His grace is given to all including babelites.

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