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The present study aims to investigate the historical identity of the “vile person” in the biblical passage of Daniel 11:21-35. It is a bibliographical research, in which an intertextual exegetical methodology was used, based on the historical-grammatical method of interpretation. At the end of the study, it was found that the above-mentioned passage apparently points out general aspects related to the origin of the Caesar dynasty as well as important facts linked to the history of the Roman Empire, including the end of its republican period, the rise of the imperial regime, and the subsequent union of the State and the incipient Christian Church. By indicating the emergence and development of this oppressive power, it was found that the main purpose of this report is to anticipate prophetically its aggressive movement against “Daniel’s people in the “latter days” (Dan 10:14). These, in turn, are related to the Jewish people before 70 AC, in addition to Early and Reformed Christians who were persecuted before and during the course of the Middle Age.
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