The presented article talks about the relationship between the narrative of the registered Creation in Genesis, the prologue of John’s gospel and the prologue of his fi rst letter. The text is divided in three parts: the Genesis and the Logos, the Logos and the Prologues and the Prologues of John. In the fi rst part, it’s discussed the bonds between the expressions “In the beginning created God” (Genesis 1:1) and “In the beginning was the Word” (John 1:1); in the second part, it’s analysed the manner in which some expressions of John chapter 1 correspond to the expressions of Genesis chapter 1 (e.g. Genesis 1:2-3; John 1:5; 1 John1:5), showing the interest that John has in showing the power of the Logos in Creation is the same that restores men in the image and likeness of God. In the last part, it’s established contact bridges between the prologue of the fi rst letter and the prologue of the gospel, as a goal to strengthen the correlation of these with the opening of the book of Genesis.