There is disagreement in theology about the true nature of the heavenly sanctuary. Whether it is literal or symbolic. The reality and relevance of a literal sanctuary in heaven has been questioned or misunderstood, creating problems of interpretation, which destabilize the biblical macro vision regarding the understanding of fundamental themes related to the doctrine of the heavenly sanctuary such as salvation, forgiveness of sins, relationship between creature and creator, atonement, judgment and redemption. This research aims, through the grammatical-historical method and additional researches, to oppose the idea that the heavenly sanctuary is just a figure of speech, a symbol, a representation of the heaven itself or even a non-existent thing. Taking advantage of a responsible analysis of the study of philosophical foundations and principles related to the nature of the being, with the Bible as final support, it will be concluded that there really is a literal sanctuary in heaven, which is the abode of God and the place in which the plan of salvation is expressed and concretized.
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