
Igreja emergente

How to Cite

Cardoso, F. dos S., & Lins Junior, D. da F. (2019). A IGREJA EMERGENTE: UM ESTUDO A RESPEITO DO MOVIMENTO. PRÁXIS TEOLÓGICA, 15(1), e1594. https://doi.org/10.25194/2317-0573.2019v15n1.e1594


It studies the postmodern religious expression titled "emerging church movement" in an attempt to answer the question how it is possible to maintain the relevance of the church in a postmodern context without compromising the gospel message. Initially, a brief research is made on the origin and concept of "postmodernism", yet another on the definition, origin, and main characteristics of the "emerging church movement", and following is a reflection on the implications of emergent understandings. This article is developed from the qualitative research carried out through the use of bibliographic materials. The argument presented in the text considers the importance of recognize the movement, and concludes that there are risks that should be avoided and contributions with which the Christian church can benefit itself.



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