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N. T. Wright
Romans 5:12-21

How to Cite

Virmes Junior, C. (2022). WE DO NEED A HISTORICAL ADAM!: AN EVALUATION OF N. T. WRIGHT’S ARGUMENT ON THE HISTORICITY OF ADAM AND THE INTERPRETATION OF ROMANS 5:12-21. PRÁXIS TEOLÓGICA, 18(1), e1563. https://doi.org/10.25194/2317-0573.2022v18n1.e1563 (Original work published September 26, 2022)


This article aims to evaluate the argument presented by N. T. Wright regarding the interpretation of Romans 5:12-21 as it is developed in his book Surprised by Scripture, a compilation of some of his lectures. In the second chapter of this book, Wright asks if there is real necessity of a historical Adam to understand Romans 5:12-21. To him, what is needed is a theological interpretation of the text, which means to understand it in light not only of the text itself, but through science and other sources. So, this article evaluates his argument, which evolves around the question of Scriptures authority, the date of the Old Testament books and the attempt to make sense of the conclusions given by evolutionism. The critic towards his argument goes from an analysis of the authority of Scriptures from a Adventist perspective, from a critical evaluation of the source criticism, and from the realization of the impasse between the scientific method, and its evolutionist metanarrative, on one hand, and the theological method, and its creationist metanarrative, on the other. At the end, this article shows, through a brief exegetical study, the importance of the historical Adam to the Pauline argument in Romans 5:12-21.

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