Religion and science, and particularly religion and psychology, can develop an integrating relationship, as both domains of knowledge address frequently common themes. This article presents a brief study on the theme of the mind, exposing concepts, ideas and understandings extracted from both the content of psychology and biblical content, in particular that content that is presented by Aaron Beck from the perspective of psychology, and that content that is presented by Paul in the letter to the Romans, from a biblical perspective. Thus, the purpose of this article is to discuss this common theme, the mind, emphasizing the importance that the Bible and psychology have in the sense that the development of a healthy style of thinking promotes well-being and appropriate attitudes in the practices of living. The result of this study indicates a real possibility of integration between the knowledge of religion and the knowledge of psychology, as well as the possibility of strengthening the relationships between two domains that work towards the same intention, the well-being of the human being.
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