

Samaritan pentateuch
Religious syncretism

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São José Gonçalves Oliveira, R., & Rodrigues Lima, D. (2022). OS SAMARITANOS: UMA ANÁLISE BÍBLICO-HISTÓRICA. PRÁXIS TEOLÓGICA, 18(1), e1558. https://doi.org/10.25194/2317-0573.2022v18n1.e1558


In the Scriptures, especially the New Testament the Samaritans are described as having hostility toward the Jewish people, and such hostility appears on both sides. The same documents also show that the relationship between them is seemingly opposing them and the early Christians, and Jesus Christ with these people, ie, Christian acceptance of them. Therefore this paper seeks to understand the identity of the Samaritans, their origin, their customs and their culture, beliefs and religion. It is also the interest of this research to analyze the relationship between Jews and Samaritans as well as between Christians and those same people. Determine the historical factors, religious and social relations that led to this relationship as described in the Bible. Analyze how this understanding helps interpretation of biblical texts where the Samaritans are described and finally seek results to draw practical lessons for Christian mission today.



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