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Tadeu Xavier, Érico, & Oliveira De Sá, P. (2022). JUSTIFICAÇÃO PELA FÉ: UM COMPARATIVO ENTRE AS IDEIAS DE MARTINHO LUTERO E ELLEN G. WHITE. PRÁXIS TEOLÓGICA, 18(1), e1556. https://doi.org/10.25194/2317-0573.2022v18n1.e1556


This research will present a study of the parallelism between the ideas of Martin Luther and Ellen White on justification by faith, and what were the main aspects of their conclusions on the subject. During the history of Christianity, much has been studied about this doctrine, raising so many questions about it. Martin Luther was one of the protagonists of the Protestant Reformation, and lived in a period in which the doctrine of justification by faith was not understood, he felt overwhelmed by the justice of God, which was presented to him since childhood, however, through his studies and diligent dedication to scripture, passed by a transition of ideas that led him to understand the redemptive action of Christ by humanity, and it brought the peace. Ellen White realized that among the leadership of the Seventh-day Adventist church, of which she was a part, there were some who misinterpreted the doctrine of justification by faith, she found allies to defend her opinion and gained strength to spread this message more widely. A detailed analysis of the writings of both helped to understand a little more about justification by faith in the vision of each of them.



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