Emotional Regulation Of University Students in a Bahia Boardship
Subjective well being, Emotion regulation, college studentsAbstract
Introduction: The growth of the population of university students has given rise to reflections on the demands that have started to emerge, whether they are related to the characteristics of the student, as well as the needs presented by university students, whether these are academic or psychosocial, therefore, regulation Emotional development proves to be useful for individuals, allowing them to adapt to everyday challenges and thus maintain a certain level of subjective well-being. Objective: To analyze the relationship between subjective well-being and emotional regulation in university students at a private boarding school in Bahia's reconcavo. Method: Two scales were used, one to assess emotion regulation strategies (suppression of emotions and cognitive reappraisal), the other to assess three dimensions of subjective well-being (positive affect, negative affect, satisfaction with life). A sociodemographic questionnaire was also included to characterize the sample. Participants were 41 university students, residents of a private boarding school in Bahia, selected in a non-random way. Justification: In view of the growth of this target audience, it has become essential to better understand the reality experienced by university students, as a way of identifying factors that can generate emotional dysregulation, as well as aspects related to the student's psychosocial development, obtaining subjective well-being. Results: The results indicated that emotion regulation strategies did not predict the increase in levels of subjective well-being. Final considerations: Therefore, it is considered pertinent to carry out and deepen the study on this theme.
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