Celiac disease, Gluten, Gluten Free DietAbstract
Introduction: Celiac disease (CD) and gluten sensitivity imply permanent dietary changes that can restrict food intake and result in nutritional deficiencies. In this way, the development of gluten-free products can contribute to an increase in food quality and variety. Objective: To develop a gluten-free product through the full use of plantain and arrowroot flour and carry out a sensory analysis to determine acceptance and purchase intention. Materials and methods: Fully using plantain and arrowroot flour, a product called “nhoque banaruta” was developed. The product was sensorially evaluated by the test of acceptability and purchase intention. Participants received and signed an informed consent form. Samples of “nhoque banaruta” were distributed in disposable plates to non-trained tasters (n=79), along with the evaluation form and a glass of water. The evaluation form contained the acceptance test using a structured nine-point hedonic scale, anchored in the terms: I really disliked (1) and I liked a lot (9) and the purchase intention test with a structured five-point scale, anchored in the terms: certainly would not buy this product (1) and would certainly buy this product (7). Results: The results of the sensory analysis indicated that the product was well accepted for all evaluated attributes (color, flavor, texture and aroma), with an acceptability index greater than 77%. The purchase intention of “banaruta gnocchi” was 85%. Conclusion: The “banaruta gnocchi” showed good acceptability and purchase intention, and can be used as an alternative gluten-free food for the public with restricted consumption of this protein, allowing an increase in the variety of preparations for these consumers.
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