Diseño y validación de un instrumento de estilo de vida saludable en una universidad confesional





healthy lifestyle, scale, students, validation study.


The objective of this study was to design and validate the 8 Natural Remedies for a Healthy Lifestyle Scale in 411 students of a Mexican denominational university. The final 28-item scale grouped the dimensions: clean air and sunlight, abstinence, rest, exercise, adequate diet, inadequate diet, water, and trust in God's power. To explore the underlying structure of the scale, an exploratory factor analysis was carried out using the principal axis extraction method with a promax oblique rotation. The results indicated that the instrument meets the established validity standards, as evidenced by the values of the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin adequacy coefficient and Bartlett's tests of sphericity. In addition, the scale managed to explain 54.4% of the common variance, which supports its validity. As for reliability, it was calculated using the Omega coefficient, and in all dimensions, the coefficients obtained exceeded the minimum threshold of 0.70, indicating good internal consistency of the instrument. The scale has satisfactory psychometric properties and a factorial structure that allows inquiring about the practice of eight natural remedies to maintain a healthy lifestyle in the population studied.


Keywords: healthy lifestyle, scale, students, validation study.



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How to Cite

Gonçalves Balbé, F. N., Flores Laguna , O. A., & Jiménez-Ortiz, J. L. J.-O. (2024). Diseño y validación de un instrumento de estilo de vida saludable en una universidad confesional . Revista Brasileira De Saúde Funcional, 12(2). https://doi.org/10.25194/rebrasf.v12i2.2061