Caregivers, Aged, Quality of Life, Internet-Based InterventionAbstract
Introduction: The caregiver exerts a great influence on the well-being of the elderly. When he cannot maintain his quality of life, he will not be able to offer adequate care. This report refers to the experience during the extension project “Caring for those who care”, aimed at caregivers of the elderly and promoted by undergraduate nursing students at Faculdade Adventista da Bahia, through digital platforms in the period from April 26 to 30, 2021. Objective: to report the experience of undergraduate nursing students in a health education project aimed for elderly caregivers during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. Methodology: The extension project was carried out through animated videos in the “hand drawing” style, using the VideoScribe program. Each video had a narration and the illustration of information through cartoons. In the end, the videos were published via the YouTube platform and made available through a conversation group in the WhatsApp application. Results and Discussion: One of the most challenging situations was dealing with the lack of feedback from many of them. Since WhatsApp is easily accessible by all caregivers, it was thought to be one of the most successful tools to achieve significant return, however, there was a lower participation than expected. Final considerations: Created with the aim of facilitating contact between caregivers, the WhatsApp group showed, during the 5 weeks of interventions, the great need for knowledge about caring, even though this is a practice carried out for a long time by most caregivers.
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