Chronic pain, Physiotherapy, NeurophysiologyAbstract
Introduction: Data show that physical therapists who have poor knowledge about assessment, pathophysiological mechanisms, and pain treatment collaborate to perpetuate chronic pain disorders. Objective: To assess the level of knowledge about the pain of physical therapists working in the Recôncavo of Bahia. Method: Observational, cross-sectional, and quantitative study. The convenience sample was based on the spontaneous demand of physical therapists who agreed to answer the questionnaires. The research was carried out in Recôncavo Bahia, with physiotherapists of both sexes duly registered in CREFITO 7. Individuals who did not answer 2/3 of the questionnaire were excluded from this study. The data collection instrument consisted of two different questionnaires, one of the sociodemographic type, and the other called the Neurophysiological Pain Questionnaire (NDQ). Results: The physical therapists obtained an average of correct answers of 7.5±1.6 in the items of the questionnaire, representing 62.7% of correct answers. There was no correlation between training time and the physical therapists' hit rate (r = 0.135, P>0.321). Conclusion: Physiotherapy professionals working in the Bahian Recôncavo had a low level of knowledge about pain neurophysiology.
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