Introduction:Technological advances in the field of Dentistry aim to minimize invasive procedures, in order to improve the quality of care and efficiency in treatments. Photodynamic therapy (PDT) plays an important role in the disinfection of root canals, without adverse effects or damage to the dental elements and adjacent soft tissues. Objective: To discuss PDT and its use in the disinfection of adjuvant root canals to conventional chemical-mechanical preparation. Materials and Methods: This is a narrative literature review carried out through bibliographic collection in SciELO, PubMed, Google Academic and Lilacs data bases, from February to August 2021. The inclusion criteria established were publications on the subject, from 2011 to 2021 and written in English and Portuguese. The crossing of DeCS/MeSH descriptors used the terms “endodontics”, “endodontia”, “fotoquimioterapia”, “photochemotherapy”, “limpeza de canais radiculares”, and “root canal cleaning”, associated with the Boolean operator“AND”.After the exclusion steps, a total of 47 articles were selected for this study. Results: Some bibliographic studies showed that PDT is effective as an adjuvant to endodontic treatment and capable of enhancing the root canal disinfection process, significantly reducing the amount of microorganisms present in the canals. Conclusion: Thus, it is observed that PDT can be used as an adjuvant to conventional endodontic treatment without harming patients. However, more randomized clinical studies are needed with the aim of establishing clinical protocols for the use of PDT as an adjuvant to endodontic treatment, aiming at reducing the failure rates of endodontic therapy and collaborating with the preservation of the dental unit.
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