Isotretinoin, Oral cavity, Salivary glandsAbstract
Introduction: Roacutan is the commercial presentation of the drug whose active ingredient is isotretinoin, an agent used to combat severe acne. About 10% of patients experience side effects due to the use of high doses of this medication and under long-term use. Objective: The present study aims to present the main adverse effects in the oral cavity caused by the use of isotretinoin. Methods: This is a narrative review of the literature, in which the collection of articles occurred from October 2019 to June 2020 in the databases: SciELO, PubMed, Google academic and BIREME. The inclusion criteria established were publications between 2010- 2020, written in English and Portuguese. After crossing the DeCS descriptors and free terms with Boolean operators, the search refinement steps succeeded and a total of 29 papers were selected. Results: The use of isotretinoin can promote systemic changes, with the changes in vision, smell, dryness in the nasal mucosa, risk of abortion and others. Discussion: In the oral cavity, the effect on salivary glands predominates, such as xerostomia and hyposalivation, with predisposition to angular cheilitis, fissures, caries and halitosis, in addition to local effects resulting from systemic involvement, such as glossitis, lesions aphthous and angioedema. Final considerations: It is necessary to know the possible effects of prolonged use of isotretinoinby the Dental Surgeon, so that it has the competence to guide and treat patients, with the objective of minimizing the possible damages in oral cavity.
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