Precauções Universais; Medidas de Segurança; Enfermagem.Abstract
Biosafety is a field of knowledge with concerns aimed at knowing and minimizing the risks that work can offer professionals and patients. The study aims to: investigate the factors that influence knowledge and adherence to SPs by nursing professionals through a literature review. Methodology: This is an integrative literature review, developed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL), considering the following databases: Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature – LILACS, Nursing Database (BDENF) And Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online – MEDLINE. Results: It highlighted the factors and challenges that can interfere with the adherence of nursing workers to universal precautions. The factors were grouped into two categories: Challenges for adhering to standard precautions and continuing education as a tool for consolidating security practices. Conclusion: Adherence to compliance with the PP's is related to the worker, the work and the institution. The studied literature points to the importance of continuing education as the main mechanism for the involvement of health professionals in the adherence to safety measures. This is a three-dimensional aspect, where the benefit of adherence to SP's reaches both health professionals, patients and health institutions.
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