Gen 30 narra a dificuldade da separação de Jacó e e sua família do seu sogro Labão. Este artigo se centraliza na narrativa de acordo com Josefo, Ant. 1.309-324(325a) e Jub. 28.25-29.12. Primeiro comparando com a narrativa bíblica e depois comparando um com o outro. Tanto Josefo e Jubileu tratam com certa liberdade o texto bíblico omitindo longas porções, ou introduzindo outras, ou modificando o que eles encontraram. Ao mesmo tempo as duas versões diferem entre si: Josefo entatiza a relação entre Labão, Jacó e Raquel, enquanto Jubileu introduz elementos calendóricos e antiquários ausentes em Josefo.
Gen 30:25-32:1(2a) tells of the definitive, difficult separation of Jacob and his household from his father-in-law Laban. This essay focusses on the rewritings of the Genesis story found in Josephus, Ant. 1.309-324(325a) and Jub. 28.25-29.12. It begins with a detailed comparison of each rewriting with the biblical source text and then proceeds to compare the two rewritings with each other. Both Josephus and Jubilees treat, the study finds, their Vorlage with a good deal of freedom, omitting large portions of this, introducing longish insertions, rearranging the source sequence, and otherwise modifying what they found there. At the same time, the two versions differ notably: in Josephus, e.g., the emphasis is on the rhetorical contest between Laban and Jacob and Rachel’s theft of her father’s gods receives enhanced attention, while Jubilees,for its part, completely passes over the latter element andminimalizes the former, even as it interjects calendrical and“antiquarian” notices that lack any parallel in Josephus.